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KAC-WA Member Profile: Phil Lee

A second-generation Korean American, Phil Lee is a Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley. He is a graduate of West Point and grew up on the east coast. The most rewarding aspect of his career is that he can personally work with his clients to develop comprehensive plans that provide both confidence and a peace of mind in achieving their financial goals. Before settling down in Ballard with his wife, son, and cat, he graciously served in the US army for seven years. As an army officer, he was stationed in New York and Washington with two deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. His background in the US military has instilled a passion for issues regarding veteran support. After leaving the army, he felt a void where serving our country used to fill. With a firm belief in the importance of community and educating his son about the Korean culture, he became involved with KAC. With the KAC community, he desires to extend a hand to different cultural communities in hopes of alleviating the ignorance and preconceptions that do exist so that we can learn and grow from diversity.

With experiences both in the US Army and the financial sector, he has concluded one key aspect regarding leadership: being a leader is like being a lady; if you have to tell people you are, then you aren't. With this motto, we believe that he will influence the movement to engage and increase the presence of Korean Americans in the larger American society.

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